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Vintage Girl Scout Pin Museum 1

Flag and Friendship


Friendship pins had their start with the Girl Scout Birthday Week gift of a crossed GS and USA flags pin in 1941. The pin was so popular that GSUSA continued to offer it, altering the design over the years. Meant as a token of friendship to other Girl Scouts, Girl Guides and friends not in the Scouting movement, the pins have remained popular.
Generally, friendship and flag pins were not meant for official wear, until recently - when the crossed flag pin was reintroduced and allow on uniforms.

7/27/01 - Special Thanks to Angie Olds for updating, clarifying and correcting the information on this page!


1941 Friendship Pin


1944 Tri-Color Pin

1945 catalog: This Tri-colored Pin is an eye-catcher, with trefoil insignia and patriotic colors combined for a striking effect. Wear it on your lapel or pocket to cause comment. In simulated gold with red, white and blue enamel...35 cents.


1949 Crossed Flags Pin
name changed to
1952 Friendship Pin


1956 Friendship Pin

(Often mistaken for a
1952 Friendship Pin due to a printing error
 in the Girl Scout Collector's Guide).
1958 catalog; Colorful, enameled Friendship Pin
 is to wear when not in uniform.
 Shows Girl Scout troop and World Ass'n flag.
 Nice gift to other Scouts...30 cents.


1960 Friendship Pin

1973 catalog: Girl Scout friendship pin makes a meaningful gift. Dark green enamel on brass disc with raised brass trefoil. 5/8"....30 cents


Card for Friendship Pin

This card was donated to the GSPM by Gayle Breidenbach, who's husband wondered why she hung on to this kind of stuff! The GSPM and collectors everywhere understand why - Thanks Gayle!


1981-2002 Friendship Pin

1987 catalog: Girl Scout Friendship Pin. Green enamel trefoil goldtone. 3/4" x 5/8". $2.25.


1980's Crossed Flags Pin

1986 catalog: Flag Pin. American and Girl Scout flags-perfect international swap pin! $1.25.


Adult Girl Scout Millennium Pin

2000 catalog: New! Adult Millennium Pin $1.75. Adult equivalent to the millennium disc for girls. Gold multi-color pin has American flag on left and Girl Scouts 2000 flag on right.

Post 9-11 Crossed Flags Pin

Carol G. emailed an update that this pin is for official wear on the left side of the uniform. Thanks Carol!


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