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Vintage Girl Scout Pin Museum 1

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So many people have emailed asking my personal history with Girl Scouting. I must say, looking back, it's been a long and probably fairly dull history ... you're welcomed to read about it here if you like.


(Like many poor kids, I am wearing a mixed uniform that my mom probably got at the thrift shop. The uniform with the Brownie emblem on the pocket did not have the orange tie. I was very aware of this, even at that young age. I wanted SO much to have the new uniform with all the proper stuff, but alas, it was not to be.)

I wanted to join the first time I saw a girl in a Brownie Girl Scout uniform. I didn't know what Girl Scouting was, I just knew I wanted to join and get me one of those uniforms. Problem was, I was only in kindergarten and back then, you had to wait until you were in the second grade!

Finally, the day came and I got to wear the uniform. If ever there was a Green Angel it was Mrs. Dodge, my Brownie leader. She had over 30 girls and knew them all by name - even me! Meetings were held in her house and to this day I don't know how she did it. She took us on hikes and play days at the park. I was dedicated to Girl Scouting from the beginning. I read my handbook cover to cover, even the painfully long Brownie story. I probably would have worn my uniform to school every day, but as it was, I wore it every Tuesday without fail.

You would think that this positive beginning would lead to a wonderful career as a Girl Scout. Things fell apart when I reached Juniors.


A mid-summer move to Lakeside, CA (San Diego-Imperial GSC) left me without my troop. I joined a local troop, but I did not transition well. The leader's daughter was the Patrol Leader and was a bit of a bully. The leader lost interest, as well as badge paperwork soon after our only campout. I never returned.

Once I became an mother of a bouncing baby girl I got in to volunteering with Girl Scouts. I was a Brownie (Hoosier Capital GSC) and Junior Leader (Bluebonnet GSC), a Cadette Co-Leader (Pacific Peaks GSC), as well as Service Unit Registrar, SU Cookie/Calendar Manager, Quartermaster of Supplies at our GS Hut, all the while moving every few years with the military. Once we settled at Pacific Peaks GSC I got serious with my volunteer work and became a Council Trainer (Master Level),SU delegate and began working as a Membership Specialist, Receptionist and Store Clerk at our local statellite office. An overseas move to NORAGS (North Atlantic GSC) found me volunteering as the Service Unit Treasurer - something they don't do stateside. Back into the Bluebonnet GSC I found a wonderful summer job as the Camp Nurse at the resident camp. I spent 3 years with the Nation's Capitol GSC as a SU Registar and Council Trainer. Then I spent 2 years at the Pines of Carolina GSC, spending one glorious summer as the Camp Nurse at Camp Mary Atkinson. Being a military family, we moved again just this past autumn back to Pacific Peaks GSC.

I began collecting Girl Scout without realizing it. One day I found an old handbook in the 25 cent bin at the Goodwill. I adopted the book, more than bought it. Soon I was picking up old uniforms, handbooks and such not really thinking of what I was going to do with it all. My sister donated her sash to the cause, as did many other wonderful people. Every military move made me realize how many boxes were marked "GS". Now that my kids are grown (I'm a grandma) I'm able to display some of this things in my home office. While searching the internet one day, I found myself daydreaming of an online web site that shared GS information with other collectors - and the GSPM was born.

Through every move, Girl Scouting has been there. As an adult, Girl Scouting helped me to overcome a serious case of shyness. Now I can speak in front of groups with out a worry. I also found that Girl Scouting helped me to work as a team. I am naturally a loner yet I find now that I can work within committees and advisory groups, speak for myself and support the team effort.

I have watched and felt the changes in Girl Scouting over the years and today I am proud to be a member.

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