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Vintage Girl Scout Pin Museum 1

Anniversary and Girl Scout Week Pins

Girl Scout Week began in October 1933, honoring the birth of Juliette Low. GSUSA offered small items to celebrate the week. In 1955 Girl Scout Week was moved to March to honor the official first day of Girl Scouting in the USA.
Pins, Charms and other items celebrating the milestones in Girl Scouting history reflect the design influence and the concerns of the times.

1934 Girl Scout Week
Sunday - Reverence
Monday - Homemaking
Tuesday - Handicraft
Wednesday - Thrift
Thursday - Hostess
Friday - Community Service
Saturday - Health
A 1950 Girl Scout Week
Sunday: Girl Scout Sunday
Monday: Homemaking Day
Tuesday: Citizenship Day
Wednesday: Home and Safety Day
Thursday: International Friendship Day
Friday: Arts and Crafts Day
Saturday: Out-of-Doors Day

1960 Girl Scout Week
Sunday - Girl Scout Sunday
Monday - Homemaking Day
Tuesday - Citizenship Day
Wednesday - Health and Safety Day
Thursday - International Friendship Day
Friday - Arts & Crafts Day
Saturday - Out-of-Door Day

The 50th pin shows the traditional trefoil of the Girl Scouts, a simple understated design. The 60th pin shows the influence of modern design, relegating the GS to small lettering. Ecology and water, water, water was the focus during the 70th anniversary. The 75th was the diamond jubilee of Girl Scouting and celebrated the resurgence in the popularity of Girl Scouting. The 85th allowed time to refocus on the familiar saying "Once a Girl Scout, always a Girl Scout".

Local department stores that were official Girl Scout outlets gave free gifts to Girl Scouts during Girl Scout Week. This encouraged girls and their parents to visit the department store and was a very popular promotion from 1933 until the 1970s.

26th Anniversary Week Charm
1938, with the "new" world trefoil logo

G.S. Chalet (from the World's Fair at New York)
1939, 27th Anniversary Charm

14k gold 60th Anniversary Pin


50th, 1962

60th pendant

Many items were offered for the 50th Anniversary including a cast iron trivet.


60th, 1972

60th Anniversary Key Chain


70th, 1982


75th, 1987


85th, 1997

85th Button Style Pin

National 90th Anniversary Pin

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